Date and Time
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM PDT
Saturday, Sept. 30 - 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Warrior Hall at Camp Rilea
33168 Patriot Way, Warrenton
FREE! Bring your government-issued ID to show to security at the gate.

A free event is scheduled for Saturday, September 30 to help individuals and families prepare for a natural disaster. The event is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Warrior Hall at Camp Rilea in Warrenton.
The event will include outdoor displays and more than 20 exhibitor tables featuring a broad range of disaster-related resources and subject matter experts. Preparedness presentations and raffle drawings will take place every 30 minutes beginning at 12 p.m.
Activities will be designed to educate and encourage kids and adults to be more prepared to help themselves and others in their neighborhood during an emergency.
Walk through a Red Cross Shelter, learn how to prepare your pets, sign up for alerts, learn how to shelter outdoors, touch and see water purification systems, and practice turning off your gas meter. Participants will learn how to make a plan and see examples of preparedness kits that would allow them to be self-sufficient for up to seven days during an emergency.
"Planning ahead and preparing your homes and families before a disaster strikes is the key to being resilient after a catastrophic event,” said County Emergency Manager Tiffany Brown. “It is essential that we build a culture of preparedness to protect ourselves and those around us.”
A free barbecue lunch with a vegetarian option will be provided to the first 300 attendees and the first 100 families will receive a free preparedness item.
Event sponsors are the NW Natural, Clatsop County Emergency Management, City of Seaside, American Red Cross, Clatsop County Citizen Corps, Clatsop County Department of Public Health and Tongue Point Job Corps.